The Role of Vaccines in Child Health

Vaccinations stand as one of the greatest achievements in public health, offering unparalleled protection against a myriad of diseases that once posed significant threats to children’s health. They are not merely medical interventions but vital shields that guard the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society. At My Doctors Clinic, we understand the pivotal role vaccines play in safeguarding the health of our children. Vaccinations are not just a medical breakthrough; they are a shield, protecting the youngest and most vulnerable in our community from serious diseases. In this article, we delve into the significance of vaccines in child health, backed by scientific evidence and expert opinions.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways: 

  1. Vaccines Save Lives: They prevent life-threatening illnesses in children.
  2. Early Protection: Vaccination in early childhood builds a strong immune defence.
  3. Community Health: Vaccines contribute to the overall health of the community.
  4. Safe and Effective: Rigorous testing ensures vaccine safety and efficacy.
  5. Regular Check-ups: Essential for keeping vaccination schedules on track.

One of the main tools in the fight against infectious illnesses has been vaccinations. The World Health Organisation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide extensive data supporting their effectiveness. Locally, resources like HealthDirect Australia offer guidance on vaccination schedules.

At My Doctors Clinic, we offer a range of services including General Practice, Cosmetic & Rejuvenation Clinic, and Alternative Plant Based Therapies, ensuring comprehensive care for your family.

The Science Behind Vaccines 

Vaccines work by mimicking disease agents and stimulating the immune system to build a defense against them. This process, known as immunisation, is crucial in early childhood when the immune system is still developing. The components of a specific organism (antigen) that cause an immunological response in the body are weaker or inactive in vaccines. This built immunity helps the body fight off the real disease in the future.

Historical Successes 

The history of vaccines is a testament to their success in combating infectious diseases. For instance, the eradication of smallpox and the near-elimination of polio globally are significant achievements attributed to widespread vaccination. Diseases like measles, mumps, and whooping cough, once common in children, have seen dramatic declines in incidence rates due to effective vaccination programs.

Vaccine Schedule and Types 

In Australia, the National Immunisation Program Schedule recommends specific vaccines from birth to adulthood. These include vaccines for hepatitis B, rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococcal, meningococcal, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and human papillomavirus (HPV). Adhering to this schedule is crucial for optimal protection.

Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy 

Despite the proven benefits of vaccines, vaccine hesitancy remains a challenge. Concerns about vaccine safety and side effects, fueled by misinformation, can lead to reluctance in vaccinating children. It’s important to understand that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. Most vaccine side effects are mild and temporary, such as a sore arm or mild fever. Serious side effects are extremely rare.

The Role of Herd Immunity 

Vaccination is not just an individual health choice but a public health strategy. When a significant portion of the community is immunised, it provides indirect protection to those who are not vaccinated, known as herd immunity. This is particularly important for individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons, such as allergies, or those with weakened immune systems.

Vaccines and Global Health 

One essential element of global health programmes is vaccination. Organisations like UNICEF and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, work tirelessly to ensure vaccine accessibility in underprivileged areas of the world. These efforts not only protect children in these regions but also prevent the global spread of infectious diseases.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaccination 

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of vaccines in controlling infectious diseases. The rapid development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines have been pivotal in reducing the severity and spread of the disease. It also highlights the remarkable scientific capability to respond to new health threats with effective vaccines.

The Future of Vaccination 

The future of vaccination looks promising with ongoing research and development. New vaccine technologies, like mRNA vaccines, are opening doors to more effective and rapid vaccine production. There is also a growing focus on developing vaccines for diseases that currently lack effective vaccines, such as HIV/AIDS and malaria.

My Doctors Clinic’s Commitment 

At My Doctors Clinic, we are committed to staying abreast of the latest developments in vaccination and healthcare. Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing up-to-date information and services related to child vaccinations. We believe in empowering parents with knowledge and offering compassionate care to ensure the health and well-being of the next generation.

Educating and Empowering Parents 

Education is key in making informed decisions about child health. We encourage parents to discuss any concerns with healthcare professionals and seek information from reliable sources. Understanding the science behind vaccines, the benefits they offer, and the risks associated with not vaccinating can help parents make confident decisions about their child’s health.

Regular Health Check-ups and Vaccinations 

Regular health check-ups are essential for monitoring a child’s health and development. These appointments provide an opportunity to stay on track with the recommended vaccination schedule. At My Doctors Clinic, we offer comprehensive health check-ups and vaccination services, ensuring that your child receives the best possible care.

The Role of Community in Vaccination 

Community involvement plays a significant role in successful vaccination programs. Public health campaigns, school-based vaccination programs, and community outreach can help increase awareness and uptake of vaccines. As part of the community, My Doctors Clinic actively participates in public health initiatives to promote the importance of vaccination.

Navigating Misinformation 

In today’s digital age, misinformation about vaccines can spread rapidly, creating confusion and fear. It’s crucial to rely on credible sources like healthcare professionals and reputable health organisations for accurate information. At My Doctors Clinic, we strive to provide clear, evidence-based advice on vaccinations, helping parents make informed decisions free from myths and misconceptions.

The Economic Impact of Vaccination 

Beyond health benefits, vaccines have a significant economic impact. By preventing diseases, vaccines reduce healthcare costs associated with treating these illnesses and the related loss of productivity. For families, this means less time off work and school, and for societies, it translates into economic stability and growth. Investing in vaccination programs is not only a health imperative but also an economic strategy.

The Importance of Global Cooperation 

Global health challenges require global solutions. International cooperation in vaccine research, production, and distribution is essential. This collaboration has been evident in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, where countries, organisations, and companies came together to develop and distribute vaccines at an unprecedented scale and speed.


Vaccines are one of the most effective tools in our healthcare arsenal for protecting children’s health. They not only safeguard individual children but also contribute to the health and well-being of the entire community. At My Doctors Clinic, we are proud to be part of this ongoing effort to ensure a healthy future for our children. We invite you to join us in this endeavour by staying informed, keeping up with vaccination schedules, and reaching out to us for any healthcare needs.

Remember, vaccinating your child is a decision that impacts not just their health, but the health of those around them. Let’s work together to create a healthier, safer world for our children.

Frequently Asked Questions

Children should start receiving vaccinations from birth. The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides a detailed schedule.

Yes, vaccines undergo rigorous testing for safety and efficacy before being approved for use.

No, children’s immune systems can handle many vaccines at once.

Common side effects are mild and can include fever or soreness at the injection site.

Vaccines not only protect the individual but also help in building herd immunity.

Trusted sources include the Australian Government Department of Health and healthcare providers like My Doctors Clinic.

Podiatrist Paul Clarke

Paul Clarke is a Podiatrist who specialises in the treatment and rehabilitation of pain in the foot, ankle and lower limb. Paul has worked amongst multidisciplinary clinical settings including GP’s, Podiatric Surgeons, Vascular Surgeons & Specialists, Chronic disease specialists and Podiatrists who specialise in Biomechanics and orthoses manufacturing and modifications. Paul is a graduate of the University of Newcastle, New South Wales.

Paul has a reputation for being particularly skilled and precise with a scalpel. His professional clinical interests include but are not limited to:

  • Toe nail surgeries (both PNA/TNA with matrix phenolisation). Toe and nail pathologies (Elongated nails, toe and nail deformity and fungal nail infections).
  • Achilles Tendonopathies (Trained in shockwave therapy). Heel pain (Plantar fasciitis, fat pad atrophy, nerve entrapment, apophysitis and osteochondrosis)
  • Ankle pathologies (Sprains, nerve impingements and tarsal coalitions)
  • Forefoot pathologies (Forefoot deformities/pain, Morton’s neuroma, bursitis, bunions and arthritis). Mid foot pathologies (Osteoarthritis and Tibial Post dysfunction/adult acquired flatfoot deformity)
  • Hip and lower back pain from mal foot alignment and tibial/femoral torsion
  • Paediatrics (Wart debridement, developmental growth milestones, orthotics, general assessments and deformities of the lower limb)
  • Diabetic assessments and education
  • Biomechanics and orthoses manufacturing and modifications (Custom and off the shelf devices and biomechanical assessments).


Paul Clarke forms a great asset to any multidisciplinary clinical team. Renowned for his kind and warm nature, Paul tends to build great rapport with patients and medical professionals alike.

Physiotherapist Patrick Harrington

Patrick Harrington Physiotherapist, B Ex Sc, M Phty Patrick has a strong interest for learning about the human body and educating on the best ways to ensure successful rehabilitation when injured.

Patrick graduated Griffith University with a Bachelor in Exercise Science, followed by a Masters in Physiotherapy degree. With a background in competitive surf-lifesaving and swimming, he has a passion for treating and educating on injuries relating to the musculoskeletal system. Patrick approaches each individual patient by educating and empowering them, in order to achieve the best health outcomes possible.

Patrick’s professional interests include:

Musculoskeletal Injuries: Treating areas including shoulders, neck & lower back, ankles, hips, and wrists, by creating programs containing manual therapy and exercises to benefit each individual patient.

Cardiorespiratory Conditions: Education and use of a variety of breathing techniques, as well as walking programs to obtain the best health outcomes.

Neurological Conditions: Retraining of gait, developing muscle strength, and developing a specific program in order to restore deficits as much as possible.

Dietitian Kailey Henry

Kailey has a passion for food and learning how nutrients interact and influence the health of our bodies.
Kailey graduated with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics from Griffith University on the Gold Coast, and has since been sharing her passion and expertise within the community through individual consultations and group education. Kailey takes a holistic and individualized approach to nutrition, with a focus on empowering each individual to make positive, lifelong lifestyle changes through achievable goals.

Kailey’s professional interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Paediatric nutrition and pregnancy/breastfeeding
  • Education & strategies for fussy eaters, faltering growth, meeting key nutrition recommendations for conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Chronic disease management
  • Nutritional management of diabetes, cholesterol health, cardiovascular disease, COPD, renal disease and liver disease.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Minimising abdominal discomfort, improving altered bowel habits, education on food choices for self-management.

Dr Day Hong Ma

Qualifications: Currently registered in the Medical Council of Australia as a Vocational Registered GP and Specialist General Surgeon. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery University of Adelaide, South Australia MBBS. Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and London Master degree in Skin Cancer Medicine in University of Queensland. Extensive experience in various aspects of General Practice. In the past I have been a Senior Lecturer of the University of Queensland and Assistant Professor of Bond University involving teaching medical students. I was a supervisor for the Royal Australasian College of General Practice, involved in training junior GP. I also trained many Overseas Trained Doctors. At the present time I am a GP with the following special interests : 1. Skin Cancers skin cancer checks with Mol Max and dermoscopy. I was awarded a Professional Diploma of Dermoscopy from the International Dermoscopy Society surgical excisions of complex skin cancers ( sun cancers and melanomas ) non surgical approach to some skin cancers and precancerous lesions such as Photo Dynamic Therapy and cautery and curettage. 2. Cosmetic Medicine This includes micro needling, platelet rich plasma, and injectables such as fillers and neuromuscular modulators. I have completed the training course under the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Australian Skin Skills Education and Training. Dr Ma also speaks Chinese Mandarin

Dr Greeshma Tummala

I am overseas trained GP and practiced for more than 5 years in India although completed AMC licensing exam here. In India, I have practiced in all aspects of general practice.

My areas of Interest are: Women’s Health, cervical cancer screening, Antenatal Care, Child Immunisations, Chronic Disease Management, Implanon Insertion and Removal, Mental Health, Pregnancy Counselling, Travel Vaccinations, Women’s Health, Medicinal Treatment.

Dr. Tariq Hayat Jamaldini

Qualifications: MBBS, AMC Certified, FRACGP, Fellowship Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Speaks: English, Balochi, Brahui, Hindi, and Urdu

Dr. Tariq Hayat Jamaldini is a highly experienced General Practitioner (GP) / Family Medicine Physician with a distinguished career spanning over 20 years in the field of healthcare. Renowned for his profound knowledge, comprehensive and compassionate approach, Dr. Tariq Jamaldini ensures that every family member, from infants to seniors, receives the individualised care they deserve. With a strong commitment to promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of his patients, Dr. Tariq Hayat Jamaldini has solidified his reputation as a trusted healthcare professional in the community. His medical practice is built on a foundation of integrity, empathy, and a genuine desire to improve the lives of those he treats. Through his dedication to continues learning and clinical excellence, he has expertly diagnosed, treated, and managed a wide range of health conditions, placing him at the forefront of Family Medicine.

Areas of Expertise:

Dr. Tariq Jamaldini’s diverse expertise encompasses various areas of medicine, making him a well-rounded practitioner capable of addressing a wide range of patient needs. His dedication to improving the health and well-being of his patients continues to be the driving force behind his successful medical career. 

  • General Practice: Tariq Hayat Jamaldini is a trusted General Practitioner (GP) who focuses on providing a wide range of general medical services to patients of all ages. Whether you need preventive care, health assessments, or treatment for common illnesses, you can trust Dr. Jamaldini to deliver compassionate and personalized healthcare with his holistic approach.  
  • Cosmetic Medicine: Dr Tariq Hayat Jamaldini has been actively involved in performing cosmetic procedures since 2009. His interest in cosmetic medicine reflects his belief in the importance of helping patients look and feel their best. His expertise in cosmetic procedures, such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, PRP injections, allows him to provide patients with safe and effective solutions to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.
  • Skin Cancer: Tariq Jamaldini takes a proactive approach to skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. His comprehensive knowledge of skin cancer, coupled with his skill in performing screenings and providing treatment options, has saved many lives. 
  • Medicinal Prescriber: Tariq Jamaldini is a certified and authorized specialist prescriber for medicinal, helping patients manage chronic pain and various medical conditions with this alternative therapy. His thorough understanding of the medical benefits of ensures that patients receive the best possible care. 
  • Men’s Health: Tariq Jamaldini understands the unique healthcare needs of men and provides specialized services tailored to men’s health concerns. Whether its addressing issues related to prostate health, sexual health, hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculations, hair loss or overall wellness, Dr. Jamaldini is here to support men in their healthcare journey.
  • Opioid Dependence Treatment: Dr Tariq Jamaldini has been a licensed opioid prescriber with Queensland Opioid Treatment Program since 2013. During this time, he has successfully treated and stabilized a significant number of patients who were struggling with opioid dependency. If you or a loved one is facing the challenges of opioid addiction, Dr. Jamaldini provides compassionate and evidence-based treatment choices. His steady dedication is focused on assisting individuals in their journey to overcome addiction and reclaim their health and overall well-being.

Dr Tariq Hayat Jamaldini dedication to providing high-quality healthcare, combined with his multifaceted expertise, makes him a respected and valued member of the medical community. His patients appreciate his unwavering commitment to their well-being and the comprehensive care he provides across various medical disciplines.

Book an online appointment or call: 07 55922299

Dr Altaf Latif Ayyaril

General Practitioner, Male, MBBS, AMC, Fellowship Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.Speaks Malayalam, and English  Dr Altaf Latif Ayyaril is a vocationally qualified and experienced General Practitioner from India having completed his Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, India in 2002. He started his medical career in various medical facilities in Kerala, India. He moved to Australia in 2007 and commenced working at Alice Springs Hospital, NT. He has since worked in hospitals in Melbourne, Gold Coast, Toowoomba and commenced General Practice in 2016 in Kilcoy QLD followed by North Stradbroke Island and Beaudesert. He was awarded a Fellow of the Royal Australia College of General Practitioners in 2021. Dr Altaf has special interests in Chronic Disease Management, Acute Management and Mental health amongst other areas of General Practice. He also performs skin cancer checks and minor skin procedures. Dr Altaf speaks Malayalam in addition to English.  

Areas of interest:

  • General Family Medicine
  • Mens health
  • Chronic disease management
  • Health assessments
  • Mental health
  • Skin cancer Checks
  • Minor surgical procedures.

Dr Paul Fisher

Diploma of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Dip RACOG) Dr.Fisher qualified as a Pharmacist before completing a medical degree at The University of Tasmania. After working in hospitals & General Practice in Tasmania & Queensland, He commenced work at My Doctors Clinic (formerly The Day & Night Medical Centre) 20 years ago. He is a Medical Officer in The Air Force Reserve & has worked as a Doctor for the Defence Department over the past 30 years. Paul is interested in all areas of General Practice with a special interest in Mental Health (He is a Doctor for Beyond Blue), Obstetrics (Maternity) & Diabetes.